There is something about Shahid Kapoor which makes him a great female magnet. Apparently after the release of Badmaash Companay promos Shahid Kapoor was flooded with messages,letters,calls from his female fans all over the world. Surprisingly this time they weren’t compliments, but they were warnings by the discontended fans asking shahid to stay away from intimate scenes. It is believed that the outpouring of emails started when the followers got a glimpse of Badmaash Company promo where Shahid is seen making love to Anushka Sharma.
In the midst of all those grouchy mails was a phone call from a female fan who actually managed to get shahid's number just to express her heartfelt disapproval.
This isnt the first time that female fans went crazy about Shahid's onscreen romance ,Even while shooting for the same film at a Beach in Bangkok, Shahid had to face an embarrassing situation when a group of blondes tried to pull his leg by openly asking him to bare his chest so that they could have a good look at him.
Looks like Shahid Kapoor has go to do some thinking...hmmm:)
we always adore shahid
he is the 1 whom we care 4 thats y some grls r possesive abt shahid